We believe all persons are MINISTERS: EACH AND EVERY ONE. With God's grace, we seek to be an open and affirming congregation - one that includes all persons. We embrace differences of sexual orientation, gender, race, age, mental ability and physical ability. Together we participate in the church, seeking to know Christ, to grow in discipleship and to live the challenge every day.
As Presbyterians, we are part of the Reformed Tradition. Our constitution is in two parts: The Book of Order and The Book of Confessions.
We are committed to responding to needs in the world - locally and globally.
We strive to create an intergenerational environment, with weekly opportunities for adult education, including men's and women's groups.
Occasionally we worship in a unique way - providing different learning opportunities for people of different learning types.
Fellowship time after worship is a cornerstone of our caring community.
We love children! We love them if they like to stay in worship with you; we love them if they want to check out the children's activities. We are ok with children making noise and being children. Your family - your children - we'll like all of you, just as you are.
The nursery is available, if you should choose. A loving adult will be in the nursery ten minutes before worship to welcome you and your child. All other children begin worship with us in the sanctuary. During the summer we have tables set up in our worship space for our children to explore faith through art and play.
We have fellowship after worship. We really would like to get to know you more but we also know that walking into a room full of strangers isn't the easiest thing to do. We hope you will give it a try though.